Evandro L.

Available Areas

Boa Vista (Living)


Portuguese (Native), French, English

Response Time

Less than an hour

Availability Updated


About Tour Guide Evandro L.

Hi, my name is Evandro and I'm a tourism guide. Im Cape Verdean and from the Carnival Island São Vicente. From a small family, one brother one sister, I'm the youngest child. In 2010 I moved to Boavista's island to work as building engeneer but ended up discovering tourism as a passion which changed my life since then. I have two little princesses, from 2017 and 2020, which are the reason I work hard every single day.

My Job background is in Excursions Photography and with a large tour operator as guide and now I am honored and excited to have you on board with me for the best experience of your life!

My dream is to make every tourist fall in love with Cape Verde with great experiences and respect.


The tour will be in 4x4 pick up truck