Ron L.

Available Areas

HaMerkaz, Haifa, Tel Aviv (Living), Jerusalem


English (Native), French

Response Time

Less than an hour

Availability Updated


About Tour Guide Ron L.

Ron is an experienced Israeli tour guide, however it is worth noting that he did not start out as a guide.

A native Israel, Ron was born and raised in Tel Aviv. After completing his army service with the IDF Spokesman’s office, Ron pursued a degree in Economics from Tel Aviv University. After 2 years in Sydney, Australia, he returned to Israel and worked as an economist and journalist for economic dailies.

After 14 years in this field, Ron decided to change direction and pursue his passion of sharing Israel with visitors from abroad. He completed the Israeli tour guide course and since then has worked full time as a licensed Israeli Tour Guide, specializing with small, specialized groups. Ronen primarily guides individuals and families, both Jewish and Christian, conveying his love of Israel and his wealth of knowledge about the land and its people.

Ron’s many interests include history, politics, nature, culture and religion. He is a sports enthusiast and enjoys good food and wine. Ron is conversant in both English and French.

Ron L. welcomes the opportunity to explore Israel with you.


Every booking should be confirmed by tour guide!